Meet Warren & Esther
Best Outdoor Experience
For many years we have had a shed full of bikes from the exotic and light to the practical and heavy. We have pedalled well over 200,000 miles. In the past we did all sorts of endurance events and a 4 year 32,000 mile adventure on loaded touring bikes before we settled in Galloway.
We love the place where we live, its people, landscape and wildlife, and we know where to get the best coffee and cake and all the hidden places. Over the last 6 years we have enjoyed showing guests around our bit of Scotland.
We love doing the unusual, the things other companies don’t do. Over the last few years we have bought thousands of riders here to race gravel bikes through our work with RedOn Events, turning Galloway into a world class venue.
We won ‘ Best Outdoor Experience ‘ in the West of Scotland from Visit Scotland and are through to the national finals in 2020. We partner with great local businesses who like us, think Galloway is the best place in the world.
In June 2020 Red Bull posted an article about the 9 Best Gravel Biking in the UK. We were names amongst them. See the Full article HERE.
We are featured in Cycling Weekly, Base Magazine, Cycling Magazine and in the book ‘ The great British Gravel Rides’ by Markus Stitz
2019/2020: As we try to spread the love for our unsung hero - the inventor of the pedal bike Kirkpatrick Macmillan, we got involved in a project for Literary Tourism: Spot-Lit, organised by the The Wigtown Festival Company. Working with a local author Ian Barr and local illustrator Peter Bell, we are creating a family ride around MacMillan’s home near Thornhill and tell stories of the times, the invention. The BBC article is HERE
One of the world's leading cycling websites, the washingmashinepost, did an interview with us about why we moved to Galloway and why we love cycling the quiet roads in Scotland's south west. You can read that HERE
The BBC Radio Scotland - Out of Doors visited us in Spring 2019. We invited them to meet people and businesses we are working with and are inspired by. This wonderful program about the Dark Sky, Belted Galloways, Ethical Dairy (Cream O’ Galloway), the willow artist Trevor Leat and MUCH more, is available as a downloadable podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p074q3hl . Enjoy.